woman calling for help to fix her car

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Keeping our customers & employees safe

The health and safety of our customers and employees is paramount. All services are provided by employees and technicians without the need for any physical contact with our customers. We can assure you that we are doing everything to put your health, safety and welfare first and foremost. We are closely following guidelines released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and our local Shelby County Department of Health to prevent the spread of the virus.

Here are a few of the policies and procedures we are taking to protect our customers and employees:

  • All employees and technicians must wear a mask;
  • We have increased the cleaning and sanitizing of our technicians’ vehicles and tools;
  • Our technicians have sanitizing wipes in their vehicles to sanitize their hands throughout the work day;
  • Technicians greet customers from a social distance, wearing a mask, with a smile;
  • Our technicians frequently wash their hands;
  • Technicians are required to take their temperatures when they arrive at a customer’s home, office or other designated location before exiting their vehicles to insure they do not have a temperature, and they must report their temperature to the central office;
  • If employees have recently traveled to a high-risk area of the world or been exposed to someone who has, we are asking them to self-quarantine for 14 days, as recommended by the CDC;
  • Employees are also required to report any symptoms they are having and to stay at home if they are not feeling well;
  • Obtaining an estimate, scheduling an appointment or making a payment can all be completed online or by calling our main office at 901-456-5286; and
  • When our technicians complete your brake service, we will email you an invoice and you can complete a payment online thru the KangarooBrakes.com website.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely to keep you and our employees safe.

Thank you. We appreciate your business!!!

man fixing the car's tire